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Customers from outside Canada or USA, please note these are Region 1 discs, for North America.
King of the Cage, 2002, The Evolution of Combat, 4 event set, 50 fights, 8 hours, 2 double sided discs,
Extreme Fighting, 2003, Banned in New York, 2 hrs, 50 min,
Beasts from the East 2, Pride FC, 2002-2006, 165 minutes From the Nagoya Rainbow Hall in Japan.
Bushido Volume 3, Pride FC, 2004-2006, 208 minutes, The World’s premiere mixed martial arts contest from the Yokohama Arena in Japan
Fists of Fire, Pride FC, 2005-2006, 162 minutes, From the Saitama Super Arena in Japan
Caged Combat IFC World Tour, Montreal Canada, 1999, 2 hours,
UCC 6 Redemption, Ouellet vs Davis, 2001, 3 hours