Carving dragons totem poles Tom Wolfe wood spirits signs Patrick Spielman woodworking book patterns


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1 Carving Totem poles & masks, Alan & Gill Bridgewater, 1991,

191 pages,

2 Carving in Scandinavian style Harley Refsal, 1992,

128 pages, Excellent condition, no rips, no tears

3 Basic Penknife carving with Tom Wolfe 1992

48 pages, Excellent condition, no rips, no tears

4 Tom Wolfe Carves Dragons, 1994,

80 pages, Excellent condition, no rips, no tears

5 Wood Spirits & Green Men design source, Lora S. Irish with Chris Pye and Shawn Cipa, 2005,

99 pages, Excellent condition, no rips, no tears

6 Carves Wood Spirits & walking sticks, Tom Wolfe, 1992,

64 pages, Excellent condition, no rips,  no tears

7 Making wood signs Patrick Spielman 

1981, 144 pages, Excellent condition, no rips, no tears