Robert F. Kennedy Memorial 1967 collector edition Saturday evening Post magazine John F Family book


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1 The Assassination of R.F.K. Robert Kennedy 1968 COLLECTOR’S COPY magazine

A collection of articles on Robert Kennedy, presented in magazine format

2 Robert Francis Kennedy memorial issue magazine

Collection of family information is provided inside the Memorial Issue. Pictures of Holidays Vacations ,elections, and Funerals.

3 Photographic Report Robert F. Kennedy Victim of Violence – 1968 – (English) Jan. 1 1968, magazine

the day after Robert F Kennedy was assassinated.Magazine size book, 8 X 10 5/8. Scores of on-the-spot b/w photos. 64 pages.

4 Bobby; The Robert F. Kennedy Story – The Man And His Dream

Issued for the 1968 Presidential Campaign. How He Conquered Despair, His Words – His Deeds, How He Lives for His Brother, An Intimate Look at Him as Husband & Father, What Jackie Means to Him. Includes articles by Pete Hamill (The Woman Behind Him), Louis Sabin (Bobby Jr. Looks at His Dad), and Jimmy Breslin (The Presidential Candidate).


Articles include: The Cross Fire That Killed President Kennedy — New study points to three assassins; Disposable living — Almost everything can be made from paper; Geore Romney: Battered but unbowed; The military dictatorship in Greece; Why do people dream? Fiction: The Shell Game by Isabel Langis Cusack, The Rainmaker by William Humphrey. Some gorgeous full page vintage car, jewelry, etc advertisements from the time period.

6 All five magazines

7 November Twenty Six Nineteen Hundred Sixty Three Book
1963, Stated First Edition, Wendell Berry, Ben Shahn, A poem by Kentucky author, Wendell Berry, on the death of President John F. Kennedy, with thirteen drawings by Ben Shahn.

Condition , NO RIPS, NO TEARS, BINDING TIGHT with no loose pages, Slip case shows a couple of tiny worn spots on the corners

8 Triumph and Tragedy Story of the Kennedys book… The Associated Press, 1968… Contents , 6 An American Family 12 To a New World , “, 20 Days of the Dearos 30 The Founding Fortune. 48 Bringing up Kennedys 66 War: Hostages to Fate 86 1946: The First Hurrah ~ 102 A Brahmin

9 x3 paperback books 

The Day Kennedy was Shot, Jim Bishop, December 1969 Bantam edition

The Unanswered Questions about President Kennedy’s Assassination, Sylvan Fox, First printing, October 1965

The Kennedy Imprisonment, Garry Willis, First Pocket books printing 1983