Silver demitasse souvenir cutlery spoons pewter stainless cloisonné
1 Z solo 80 overijsel 15g 4.5 inch
2 Canadian army 1e onze dank mei 1945, 18g 4.75 inch
3 St Johns enamel moose charm embellishment sterling signed 11g 4.5 inch
4 Tour eiffel RS 15g 4.5 inch
5 1847 Rogers IS Centennial demitasse spoons x8 86g 4.5 inch
6 x6 spoons Portugal Sweden Mexico Canada Holland
3.75inch – 4.75 inch Portugal Algarve vima, Sweden solleftea mema, Holland Butchart Gardens espn, Commemorative TS Canada streetsville, Commemorative ottawa canada 1857 1987, Aztec Mexico Alpaca P Vallarta
7 I (heart) N Y, pewter, 3.5in,
8 London Sheffield England Chrome 4.75 inch
9 Japan Stainless gold cloisonné blue cabochon 5 inch
10 Nephrite Jade cabochon Holland Manning park BC 5 inch
11 Drammen Norge TK40GR Norway 4.5inch
12 x4 spoons demitasse, grapefruit
Rogers 00 grapefruit silverplate 6inch, 1953 demitasse community white orchid 4.5inch, 1936 demitasse coronation community 4.5 inch, Wm A Rogers A1+ 5inch
13 Antique Rosalie Beauty Rose 1900 Royal plate scalloped server 6.25inch
14 x5 spoons Regent sheffield Northcraft
x3 regent sheffield demitasse stainless Japan 4 inch, x1 Northcraft Korea 4inch, x1 un marked rose pattern 4.5inch
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